Here's how you make an ARMedslack installation into which you can chroot from an x86 box using qemu. [1] Install ARMedslack into /mnt/armedslack as normal Look in armedslack-current/slackware and run but read the instructions in armedslack-current/ARMedslack_Notes/ first! [2] run from this directory This will compile qemu and insert it into /mnt/armedslack [3] run qemu-native-setup from this directory This isn't necessary unless you plan on building ARMedslack packages using ARMedslack's build system. [4] From this directory, run chroot-armedslack-qemu You should now be inside an ARMedslack chroot. You'll note that /proc has not been mounted; you can change this by looking the chroot-armedslack-qemu script but I'll leave you to find out why you may not want to mount /proc :-)