Thu Feb 28 17:47:21 CST 2008 Upgraded these source files: asciidoc-8.2.5.tar.gz docbook-utils-0.6.14-13.fc9.src.rpm docbook-xsl-1.73.2.tar.bz2 docbook-xsl-doc-1.73.2.tar.bz2 gtk-doc-1.9.tar.bz2 libsgmls-perl_1.03ii-32.diff.gz linuxdoc-tools_0.9.21-0.11.tar.gz sgml-common-0.6.3-23.fc9.src.rpm xmlto-0.0.20.tar.bz2 Sat May 5 13:38:46 BST 2007 Stuart Winter linuxdoc-tools-0.9.21, build 4 * Converted from docbook RPM source builds to direct source build, with the build script code by: Jerome Pinot based on the Linux From Scratch documentation. Merged some of Jerome's code back into the original script. This fixes many bugs with the previous package, with broken catalogs and so on. * Upgraded to gtk-doc v1.8 * Upgraded to DocBook SGML DTD v4.5 * Upgraded to DocBook DSSSL Stylesheets v1.79 * Upgraded to DocBook XML DTD v4.5 * Upgraded to DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.72.0 & docs * Added AsciiDoc v8.2.1 * Added xmlto v0.0.18 * Removed unused build script code cruft from * Re-ordered the build script since OpenSP v1.5.2 requires xmlto, and xmlto requires the docbook stuff to be installed. * Removed buildDocBookCatalog script. If you delete your system's SGML or XML catalog scripts, thinking that this script can repopulate them, it won't. If you're adding docbook data to your system, you need to read the docs that come with the new data you're installing. * Thanks to Red Hat for the loan of a laptop on which to test this build ;-) Sat Oct 01 2005 * Previous releases