# /lib/modprobe.d/bcm2712_rpi5.conf
# modprobe.conf for the Hardware Model: Raspberry Pi 5, SoC bcm2712
# This file is stored within the source tree here:
# source/k/SlkOS-initrd-overlay/usr/share/hwm-configure/platform/aarch64/modprobe.d
# and is moved into /lib/modprobe.d within the OS InitRD (including the Slackware
# Installer) by /load_kernel_modules at run time.

# Disable because this makes the screen flash on/off continually within the
# Slackware Installer:
# Note that despite entering 'v3d' here, it's loaded regardless.
blacklist v3d
blacklist vc4
# Exclude loading this driver from the InitRD as it doesn't activate the interface
# despite having the firmware and module. This driver isn't part of the generic
# Slackware OS InitRD, so it only poses a problem when employing the -S option with
# os-initrd-mgr.  This will be loaded when the OS proper boots.
blacklist brcmfmac